Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans (BXO) - adults

Phimosis ( tight foreskin) can be caused by BXO. Recent paper which was published from Sweden showed the partial circumcision with BXO showed poor outcome. 

 " Total circumcision was a benefecial treatment for many patients, but the majority still had active BXO after this surgical procedure. Complications of BXO were commonly seen and close cooperation between the dermatologist and urologist was needed for urethral dilatation, circumcision and in cases with suspected penile cancer. However, it was reassuring to see that the disease had gone into complete remission in 27% of our patients"

Ref: Acta Derm Venereol 2017; 97: 365–369.




Ideal age of circumcision in children

Our audit at Thornhill Circumcision Centre, Luton, Bedforshire

incidence of complications in circumcision for 6 months olds is significantly lower when compared to 6 to 110 months old children.  We can conclude that under 6 months is the optimal age for non-therapeutic male circumcision in a community clinic using Circumplast and Plastibell devices.

Certificate of Excellent - I Want Great Care

Dr. Khan is awarded Certificate of Excellence 2017 by Dr. Bacon CEO and Founder of IWantGreatCare

Please see email from him

"I am delighted to say that you have been awarded an iWantGreatCare Certificate of Excellence.

Certificates of Excellence are awarded to those who have consistently received fabulous feedback from their patients. 

If you need anything from the team here to support you or your practice, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Warm regards,


Neil Bacon MRCP

Founder and CEO, iWantGreatCare"

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