Certificate of Excellence 2018 to Dr. Khan by CEO & Founder of iWantGreatCare — London Circumcision Clinic | Paediatric Surgeon/Urologist

Certificate of Excellence 2018 to Dr. Khan by CEO & Founder of iWantGreatCare

Neil Bacon, MRCP (CEO & Founder iWantGreatCare) has recognised Dr. Khan's feedbacks from patients and parents.  Please see email below from Neil

 "Congratulations, you (Dr. Khan) have been awarded the Certificate of Excellence 2018

I am delighted to contact you with this news, as you are one of only a handful of UK clinicians to receive this powerful endorsement of the way in which you deliver care to all your patients.

Certificates are only awarded to those clinicians whose patients consistently rate them as delivering great care. You truly deserve to be acknowledged for this fantastic achievement.

You will shortly receive your Certificate of Excellence in the post. In the meantime, please click the attached link for more information about your award, what it means and how to share this news.


Thank you for your support and please do contact me directly if you have any questions or ideas about how iWantGreatCare can improve the service provided to all clinicians and patients.

With best wishes,



Neil Bacon, MRCP

CEO & Founder iWantGreatCare "

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