Where I can get circumcised

Your baby can be circumcised at London circumcision clinic, Leyton Healthcare, Leyton London. 

Circumplast device is mainly used, however in some case, I used Plastibell. Getting circumcised for infants and children is at near Leytonstone and Leyton tube station.  

Parents asked " how and where to get circumcised " Circumcision for children is done by a trained paediatric surgeon who has 22 years experience. Ideal age of circumcision is around one month of age.  

Oliver Road Polyclinic, Leyton Healthcare, 4th Floor,  London

Oliver Road Polyclinic, Leyton Healthcare, 4th Floor,  London

Dedicated circumcision theatre at Leyton clinic, London

CQC inspections in relation to infection prevention and control are essential to ensure providers are complying with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice.

Leyton clinic has fulfilled the above requirements of its operative theatre. 

There is dedicated theatre room for minor surgical procedures and circumcision at Leyton Heathcare at 4th floor. 

Operative room at Leyton clinic  

Operative room at Leyton clinic  

Operative light and table

Operative light and table

Lenthening of frenulum or frenuloplasty

Dr Khan  will cut across the bridge of skin under your penis and repair it lengthwise to lengthen it and this is called frenuloplasty. V-Y or Z pasty may require if frenulum is short. 


Penile frenuloplasty: a simple and effective treatment for frenular pain or scarring

Doctors from King Hospital, London published the report in 2011

Frenuloplasty, using common plastic surgical techniques for scar lengthening, is a commonly performed operation amongst urologists for isolated frenular pathology. However, there is very little data in the urological literature regarding either technique or assessment. The only other published study was a questionnaire follow-up with a 23% response rate and the technique used was not clarified. Other studies describe expensive, rarely used procedures and are hampered by small patient numbers or short-term follow-up only. Our study validates the common practice of using plastic surgical techniques for scar lengthening. We have 100% clinical short-term follow-up (3 months) and 91% long-term follow-up (up to 10 years) showing high patient satisfaction scores and low complication and re-operation rates. This provides an evidence base from which to counsel patients who are keen for foreskin sparing surgery for frenular pathology. The extra addition of our grading system allows patients to be risk-stratified as to the risk of re-operation depending on their status at presentation and underlying pathology.

Ref: 2011 BJU INTERNATIONAL | 109, 1546–1550 | doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10678.

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